The Cost-Effective Alternative to Expensive Hardware Migration

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Allowing Classic Systems to Flourish in the Modern Utility Data Center

Tired of relentless capital investment in technology, business executives are now eager to see IT solutions that contribute directly to their organizations’ profitability. Only too eager to please, many CIOs dive headlong into data center transformations to reap the cost-saving benefits offered by the latest technologies, like cloud computing. A cutting-edge data center offers the promise of a not-so-distant and nimble future of doing more with less, relying on highly flexible, scalable, and adaptable solutions with smaller, more efficient footprints.

For many organizations, the question of what to do with their mission-critical classic systems is a constant source of worry. These systems have been some of the most reliable, secure, and indestructible in any data center and provide the highest possible performance and uptime, but they still run on expensive, proprietary hardware platforms. They are comprised of the likes of VAX, Alpha, HP 3000, PDP-11, and SPARC hardware running OpenVMS, Tru64, MPE, and Solaris—and they still run mission-critical applications for some of the biggest names in government and industry. Utility company executives in particular should think twice before joining the current rush to replace classic systems with expensive hardware migration.

Hardware migration is not the only way to maintain time-tested applications. Explore hardware emulation as an alternative for your data center. Download our Whitepaper to know more