11 Hidden Risks: How Legacy Software Could Be Limiting Your Growth

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    In the US, IT departments waste $85 million each year dealing with legacy systems and bad codes. Can you imagine the amount of loss companies incur yearly with legacy software?

    Although legacy software served its purpose in the past, continuing with it can pose significant risks to your business. Guess what? Monetary loss is just one aspect – there are plenty of other risks and challenges associated with it.

    In this article, we will discuss the 11 risks linked to legacy software and how they affect your business. Additionally, you will discover a tested strategy to mitigate those risks and help you fortify and streamline your business.

    So, let us begin.

    What is Legacy Software?

    Legacy software is outdated software applications based on obsolete technology and standards. They were originally built for technologies and programmatic languages that are no longer widely used. Due to their obsolete technology and infrastructure, they come with numerous challenges that prevent new-age businesses from scaling. These are:

    • Operational challenges
    • High maintenance costs
    • Impede technological advancement within the organization

    While they might still do the job for some industries, they are far from efficient or user-friendly by today’s standards. This is why organizations often consider modernizing legacy software to stay relevant in today’s competitive world.

    11 Risks & Challenges Associated with Legacy Software

    Dealing with these risks is increasingly important. But let us first analyze them in-depth and try to understand where they come from.

    1. A Decrease in the Number of Customers

    As the IT landscape is rapidly evolving, today’s customers expect fast, user-friendly, and reliable solutions. Isn’t it? Also, if your legacy software is slow, prone to crashes, or difficult to use, customers can get frustrated and may seek other businesses.

    At the same time, if your competitors provide advanced technology, superior features, faster service, and seamless user experience, they will inevitably draw in more customers.

    2. High Maintenance Costs

    As your legacy software ages, it requires more frequent repairs and updates. Additionally, your maintenance cost involves expenses related to infrastructure, development, and quality assurance, including cloud services, DevOps platforms, and development resources. Also, finding skilled technicians to work on obsolete technology can be challenging and expensive.

    Again, when companies stop supporting older systems, your business might end up paying a lot for special support deals or hiring experts to maintain the system. This can get expensive fast and take money away from other important projects.

    3. System Failures and Downtime

    It is expensive to keep legacy systems running as they need a lot of IT support. They are not as stable, they can crash often, which takes a lot of time and resources to fix, increasing the risk of downtime. Without updates to fix these issues, these systems can crash or have errors, causing downtime.

    4. Poor User Experience

    Firstly, it might look old and be confusing to navigate. People like software that is easy on the eyes and simple to understand. When software looks outdated, it can frustrate users and make them mess up.

    Secondly, legacy software can be slow. It might take longer to complete simple tasks, which wastes time and reduces productivity.

    Also, legacy software might be missing the advanced features that people want. It is hard to add new functionalities to those complex architectures, so users do not get what they need.

    Lastly, it might only work on certain devices. But in today’s world, people want software that works everywhere.

    5. Your Vendor is No Longer Supporting You

    Legacy software poses a risk to your company data because vendors typically stop supporting you over time. This means there will not be any updates, patches, or new modules. Without updates, the system is at risk of security problems and might not work well with modern technologies. If there is a problem, you will not get help fixing it, leading to system downtime, less work getting done, and unhappy customers. This leaves your systems open to security threats and other problems.

    Also, ageing systems need regular care to stay safe and effective. But when support stops, finding solutions for issues becomes harder. This lack of support means you are on your own to keep the system running, which can be tough without technical knowledge. It is crucial to plan for these scenarios to avoid disruption in your business.

    Consider upgrading to newer systems or finding alternative support options to keep everything running smoothly and your customers happy.

    6. Limited Data Processing Capabilities

    Modern businesses produce a lot of data, but old systems struggle to keep up because they were built for a time with less data. This legacy software often cannot handle the enormous amounts of data companies have now, leading to slow performance. They usually process data in large batches, which can be slow and cause delays in using the data.

    Nowadays, businesses need to process data quickly for things like financial trading or online sales, but old systems cannot do this in real-time, causing delays. Additionally, nowadays, data comes in many forms, not just numbers and text. Legacy software often cannot handle unstructured data like videos or social media content well. They lack the modern tools for analyzing such data and integrating different data types can be complex and error-prone with these outdated systems.

    7. Security Threats

    Legacy software is frequently outdated in terms of security and therefore may contain potential security vulnerabilities that make it inpatient with modern threats. Firstly, they do not meet the data protection standards like GDPR, CCPA, and others.

    The fact that the support for the old versions has already been ended by the system vendors implies that the software and underlying systems become increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

    Another reason can be the legacy hardware. Yes, outdated legacy hardware can also pose security threats to the legacy software as it lacks the necessary security protocols.

    This can put your company’s data and reputation at risk, resulting in financial losses, legal responsibilities, and brand damage.

    8. Affects Your Ability to Adapt to Changes

    As your business expands, legacy software may not be able to handle the changes, such as increased traffic, data, or transactions. This often leads to performance issues. Again, legacy software is rigid and non-scalable. Thus, making it challenging for you to adapt to changing market demands and scale your operations efficiently.

    9. The Underlying Technology is Outdated

    Legacy software uses outdated technology that does not support modern systems. Due to outdated architecture, technology, or design, legacy systems are hard to maintain, support, improve, or integrate. In fact, legacy systems are vulnerable to risk and less reliable for critical operations.

    10. Compliance Issues

    Legacy software was produced decades ago, so it was not designed with modern regulation laws in mind. Consequently, it does not have the features and controls needed to comply with changing laws and regulations. As a result, companies can be penalized for noncompliance.

    In addition, Legacy systems often lack the security features and updates necessary to defend themselves against cyber-attacks since they are not compliant with modern data protection laws and regulations.

    11. Additional Costs

    Businesses must evaluate the costs of using outdated systems versus the benefits of updating them.

    Legacy systems come with high maintenance costs, training expenses, and the need for round-the-clock customer service due to frequent issues.

    Additionally, hosting business software on-premises, which is often outdated, comes with considerable maintenance costs due to administrative overheads.

    Legacy software not only requires significant maintenance but also diverts IT resources from more critical projects, leading to operational inefficiencies and financial losses due to downtime.

    So, businesses should invest in modernizing their systems and training specialized support teams to handle these outdated technologies more efficiently.

    Put an End to Your Dependence on Ageing Systems – Embrace Charon Emulation Solutions

    A lot of investment is involved in clinging to the old systems, but most companies find it quite difficult to switch to newer technologies. Migrating from a legacy system is usually seen as a costly and cumbersome exercise with the peril of data loss and business dislocation.

    But we have the solution:

    Introducing Charon emulation solution by Stromasys. This aids a company to continue use of its legacy systems along with modern hardware, without necessarily making a full system migration. It is designed to create a kind of virtual setup which closely mimics the environment of an old system and will enable legacy applications and data to be in continued use with modern improved performance, reliability, and hardware security.

    What benefits does Charon Emulation Solutions bring to the business?

    It reduces your costs, boosts your performance, mitigates risks like downtime, and strengthens your business to stay competitive.


    Legacy systems may have been good in the past, but holding onto them now would certainly hobble the business. Those can lead you to losing your customers, having high maintenance costs, security risks, and issues with current compliance standards.

    But nowadays, with the help of solutions like Charon by Stromasys, you can effortlessly update your old systems, without impacting your end user.

    It means you may carry on working with trusted software and data to gain the benefits of new, secure, and reliable hardware. Do not let antiquated systems hold you back. Modernize your business with even better growth by moving with our Charon emulation solutions.

    Let’s explore how Charon Emulation Solutions can help you SCALE your business.

    Contact us today to get started.